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Links to Florida County offices of supervisors of elections. In most cases, links take youto the Results page(s). NEW: Updated for 2010 General Elections. Sammy and now little Maggie remind you to monitor the elections. The only site of its kind in the Western World. Doesn't cost a penny to use - doesn't cost the State a penny to maintain. Totally private... no cookies required to navigate. Information for you from home, classroom, or office. . . . Shows 65 Florida county web sites for their Supervisors of Elections. One district (county) does not have its own web site. It is Glades. For links that don't work, go to State of Florida's Division of Elections site. To open up a site in a new window: hold down the control key on Windows, then click. On the Mac, hold down the Apple key first, then click. Just close that window in your browser and return to this page.